About us

Culture and Heritage

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Before joining theAdeyemi Football Club, I was spending all my time on the streets, getting into trouble. Now, I have a goal and a future. I want to play professional football and give back to my community.

Itohan Andrew Left winger

I was a single mother struggling to make ends meet. I couldn't afford to send my children to school. The Karim Adeyemi Foundation has been a godsend. They have provided my children with scholarships and helped me start my own business."

Esther Anifowose Trader

I was always afraid to dream of a better future. I thought I was destined to live in poverty. But the Karim Adeyemi Foundation has shown me that anything is possible. I am now studying to become a doctor.

Idowu Gbotie Student


Governing Team

We are a team of passionate and dedicated individuals who are committed to making a difference in the world. We believe that everyone has the potential to achieve their dreams, and we are here to help them make it happen.

our team

Abiodun Adeyemi


Zakary Lawal


Alexander Adeyemi


Karim Adeyemi

Chairman of the Board


Management Team

our team

OlaOlu Adedayo


Jumoke Idowu

Director of Programs

Aanu OLuyide

Administrative Manager

Olamide Idowu

Operations Manager

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